Monday, February 8, 2010


As I write this blog, it is the morning after the victory of our Saints in Miami. This was a victory over a super-talented, blue-chip foe by a group of guys, most of whom could not quite fit in with their previous teams--who fought hard and believed in themselves, and each other, enough to get the job done. And because they believed, we also believed. This morning in his daily Faith Forum,
Randy Smith enclosed the following acrostic for "Who Dat?!"






What a terrific description of the team, the city, the state, the country--of us. We Have Overcome Destruction and Tragedy. We can be brand new. We can have a new lease. A new opportunity. Let's take advantage of every opportunity to be the very best--just as our Saints did.
Like He did for Drew Brees, God gives us all second chances. All we have to do is our part.
Most of us are not blue-chippers. We often don't quite fit in. Our lives are filled with ups and downs, even destruction and tragedy. But we have a second chance. God has provided that second chance to accomplish something great. Through his Son we can have a second chance. Drew Brees did it, so can we!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! That was a good one...not that they aren't all good, but that was particularly good!
