Thursday, January 7, 2010

Getting Started

Happy New Year! As we start out a new year, I have been thinking a lot about how to better communicate with all the employees at Richardson Medical Center regarding what is happening with your hospital.
For this reason I have decided to publish a blog. This will allow me to keep you informed about what is happening and sometimes just what is going on in the world of hospital administration. I know that it is difficult for most to understand all that happens during my day, just like I am not sure of all that happens during your day. So, maybe we can communicate about that through this blog. So, here goes…

Since I began my time at Richardson Medical Center back in May, 2007, a lot of things have happened. We have had some very difficult times and some really great times. In my opinion, things are getting better every day. My only hesitancy is the unknown regarding the new Healthcare plan being batted around by our national leaders. One of the things they want to do is cut Medicare by $500 billion over 10 years. That’s BILLION not MILLION. As I have said in Employee Forums, 47% of the money we earn is from Medicare—so if these cuts take place, the impact will be severe. On the other hand, many people who have not had insurance previously may now have insurance and since over 7% of our patients NEVER pay, this could be a help. The unknown is how these things will work together.

The best way we can deal with things over which we have no control, is to make a difference in the things we CAN control. Here are some things we all can do:
Do everything we can to get people in our community to come to OUR hospital:

  • Tell people what a great hospital this is

  • Tell them about our great care

  • Tell them about our great services

  • Do everything we can to reduce waste

  • Don’t wait for someone else to bring it up, if you see an opportunity for savings let us know

  • Don’t waste items—be frugal with our resources

  • Do everything we can to do the best job we know how

  • Pray for this hospital—its people and their families

    I really believe that if we can do all of the above—our success will continue in 2010 and into the future. I truly wish you and your family a Happy New Year!

    To read future blogs, go to our website

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